New music out now :D

I'm sitting here at midnight with a fan on my desk, sweating.
Summer is here with full force and lets us have a bit of a break in terms of shocking world news. So let's celebrate and enjoy life! We need this antidote - the energy of joy, gratitude and love - more than ever, so let's allow ourselves and each other to be happy for a change.

Speaking of celebrations: I've finally released my new album ELYSIUM ❦

It's an hommage to my roots: Classical vocal music & the flute. The first 3 songs have been out for a while and now all 6 are available! You can listen to the whole thing here or download it in lossless format.

As always, your words and support mean the world <3

In this video I talk more about the songs and background of the album. I've recorded the music from a place of stillness, right after a meditation retreat, in the hopes that it will reach & touch the listener and bring some peace.

Yes it is religious music and there's loads of heaviness that comes with church! My aim was to focus on the beauty of the music itself & the truth at its core.

I also filmed a new music video while I was in the Dolomites in South Tyrol! This place was truly full of magic and the veils very thin.. have a look:

As I'm coming to a close writing this email, a thunderstorm has rolled in with some cool air and rain.. it's such a wonderful feeling. I love these warm summer nights and am just so full of gratitude for life right now!

Sending you the biggest hug <3



How to invite Inspiration (+New Website ✨)


Be yourself and the world is beautiful!