A new earth is coming

HAPPY 2022

Hope you had a good start to the new year!
The light is slowly starting to come back, but we're still in hibernating mode. So don't feel pressured to immediately 'function' just because the calender said 1/1/2022.

This year is under the influence of Jupiter and will certainly be easier than the past 2 years, although there's still gonna be challenges. It's all part of a bigger movement.. a change in our world that many have been waiting for. And I strongly believe that each one of us plays an important role in this.

When we do the inner work, simplify our lives and start really listening to our hearts (over our minds) - we're well on our way to a new earth.

Something new wants to be born.. as with every stage of life, transformation is needed for that, which mostly comes with challenges. So don't be disheartened. I know.. when I read the news I also just want to scream 🙈

But here's the thing:

We need to stop feeding the fear & anger that this global painbody is trying to constantly evoke in us. There's a difference between putting your head in the sand / suppressing things OR looking at the bad stuff and then choosing to stay centered and in peace nevertheless. That's actual mastery.

We need to dare staying conscious in the face of horror. It's not ignorant.. it's wise. We need to dare choosing love over separation. And inner truth over fear.

When we create a beautiful, healed life and transform our own world, we slowly transform the whole world. It's not selfish, quite the opposite: Once their basic needs are met, their nervous system & trauma healed.. their mind calm, a human being starts to think about the bigger picture and serving humanity .

Those who choose can leave the 'matrix' and already experience the magic of a new reality now. It's totally possible. Many already live like that.

I wish you well!



Be yourself and the world is beautiful!


This is a time of transformation