Strengthen your trust muscles

I’m currently waiting to get on the ferry to Ibiza.. cannot believe it’s finally happening! The magic and the breeze coming from the ocean are already enchanting me.. calling me.. 🌊

Do you sometimes have periods in your life where nothing seems to move, no matter what you do, and things just seem to be stagnant? Nothing seems to go your way and you question whether you’re on the right path. And then all of a sudden, everything happens all at once!

It’s often been like this for me. This summer was super slow and challenging.. and now, everything is happening extremely fast! I’m moving to Ibiza today and will stay for half a year (or longer) 🙏🏼

Life seems to move in these ways. Keeping us in the unknown, testing us, building our trust muscles. But then the reward is threefold!

Know that if you currently feel like nothing is moving your way, the tides will turn again! Keep trusting and believing in your vision. It will be so worth it. The ups and downs are just part of the journey.

However, we also need to follow our inner voice and take action. Yes sometimes there’s nothing we can do and it’s just about waiting and surrendering. But we do need to set intentions and make bold decisions.

For me, this calling to go back to the island has been growing so strong I couldn’t ignore it. I just know with every fibre of my being that I need to be there, even if I don’t know why exactly. And I’ll follow this call no matter what. Even if it’s scary, involves a lot of uncertainty and is stretching my comfort zone to the max.

I just feel so so so grateful and happy to be back in less than 24 hours. I’m beyond excited and could almost cry being so close now. Cannot wait for this new chapter to finally begin 🤍🕊️

Talking about everything happening all at once; between packing up my belongings I also just filmed a new video, finally! Another beautiful Lord of the Rings song out in the forest, which I hope will give you a few minutes of peace and relaxation:

As you know I am someone who’s constantly transforming, there have been big shifts this year, which you can probably sense in the video. It reflects the peace I’m finding with this earthly existence, the beautiful joy of merging material and immaterial. I'm coming to realize that's what mastery is about.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is that I've been invited on a beautiful podcast! You can listen on Youtube or Spotify (starts at min 54:00). Former Volksopern director Rudolf interviewed me about my music and we plan on doing a full episode on music & spirituality soon 🎙️

Lastly, there’s something I wanted to celebrate with you: My Youtube channel was finally monetized, hit 2.000 subscribers + Evenstar reached over 100.000 views :) Hoping this expansion will continue as it mirrors my own inner growth 🙏🏼

So as coincidence will have it I’ll arrive in Ibiza on the 23rd, the autumn equinox. An auspicious sign for a new beginning. Whatever new chapter is starting in your life, be it big or small, I'm wishing you aaaaall the best, all my blessings and all the love I feel right now thinking about you reading this :)



What matters in the end?


Welcoming your pure Self